Saturday, December 20, 2014

Shout out to 48 Weeks....

Hello blogger land!  Well December is busier than I thought it would be for me.  I just started this and I'm not doing a good job at doing regular writings.  Then add that I'm so lost when it comes to computers, typical holiday stuff and some really upsetting family issues with extended family and well time is getting away.  Soooo, to "escape" I've been playing in my little remember I'm an artist wanna be :-D  I have been amazed at this wonderful delightful fun-filled journey!  I have grown more in one year than I ever ever, ever, ever thought possible.  In January 2014 I signed up for and began Donna Downey's online class....48 weeks.
This class is Ah-mA-Zing!!!!  It's like Donna is sitting on my shoulder whispering, and sometimes yelling, "forward motion" every time I'm ready to give up.  Then I tell myself everyone starts off not so good and struggling but those that keep moving, aka forward motion, are the one's that grow and grow and grow.  I truly can not say enough about this class.  Sooo with alllll this being said it is with a very nervous heart that I'm going to share one of the weeks I just completed.  Now in Donna's video she did a horse but horses don't really speak to me but elephants do.  I got on Pinterest and looked up how to draw elephants and well, I tried my hand at it.  This is the first ever elephant I've drawn. So remembering back to a past post about putting yourself out there, and yep it's scarey but here goes:
She's not perfect and I don't expect her to be for a very first.  However, in the class I've truly learned to just go for it, or "all in" as Donna says.  and truthfully, if I hated her I could have just slapped gesso down and started all over!  And ya know what?  Not only did I get out of the creative slump I was in I got to escape and relax without leaving home :-D

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