Saturday, November 1, 2014

I met Julie Fei-Fan Balzer!!!

I was star struck!!  I've followed Julie's blog for years now.  When I read on her blog that she was going to be at the Houston International Quilt show I HAD to go.  Julie was doing demo's so I didn't get to chat with her like I hoped but she was soooo gracious and down to earth, I think we could have gone to lunch and chatted. LOL Her mama certainly did a great job raising her.  Now, my dream is to go to NYC and take a mixed media class from her at her "hometown" store  Julie, thank so much! you made my day.


  1. How wonderful for you to meet someone you consider such an integral part of your journey to where you are now and where you are going.

  2. I am such a huge fan of hers ... would have loved to have drove to Houston to see her. Keep hoping she will teach a class somewhere in Texas I'd be there in a heartbeat. Loved your salt tutorial, very cool. Good luck with the blog!

    1. Hi Kim.....I'm a huge fan of hers too. Thankfully I live in Houston so I didn't have much of a drive but I would have if I wasn't close :-) Meeting her was wonderful and I can tell you I really don't think she knows how famous she is in the art world....she was soooo gracious and funny and just down to earth. My next dream is to take a class in NYC from her.
      I'm glad you enjoyed the tutorial - I was so nervous! Happy crafting!!

  3. You got it right...Julie's delightful and so gracious. I met her at a class earlier this year in Colorado. Loved your tutorial on her blog!
