Monday, December 29, 2014

I "deerly" love.....

Hi y'all!  Just a real quick post to show you another week in the Donna Downey 48 Weeks class  I absolutely looooved this week! 
I'm telling yourself a New Year's gift and sign up for this class...the whole shebang! You will not regret it.  I know it says 48 weeks but she actually gives us a bonus week so 49 weeks works out to $13.04 a week - that's a bargin if you ask me!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

A quick pop in...

Hello!  Well, two days after Christmas .... I hope y'all had a wonderful holiday.  Mine was better than expected so I really couldn't ask for more.  I got to play and do another week in my 48 weeks class. 
This is actually more colorful in real life and it was so much fun to work on.  ALOT of fact I went through almost a whole package of baby wipes and had to resort to wet paper towels.  I'm even thinking of doin this on a canvas but we shall see...

I'm not sure I'll post before the new year... just depends what we are doing.  The hubby is on vacation so I'm taking full advantage of *family time* :-D case I'm not back on I'll "see ya" next year!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Paint Mojo...

I've recently discovered Tracy Verdugo and her book Paint Mojo  She also has an online course starting February 2015 but you can sign up early registration here orrrr read her blog post today and leave a comment for a few chances to win here
.... read today's blog post for possible chances of what you can win.  Anyhow..... I wanted to keep this opportunity to myself but then I reminded myself this is just too good an opportunity to not share soooo hence this post. :-D

I wish y'all a Merry Christmas!!!!! (I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve!....I better get back to the studio to finish up a few gifts).

Sunday, December 21, 2014

A day in the studio.....

I'm going to try and post a little something if not every day then every few days...let's see if I can make a habit to blog this way?  Today was a wonderful relaxing Sunday...As I walked into my little studio this morning I didn't realize I would spend the entire day in there.  I worked on week 38 of Donna Downey's 48 Weeks class then I tinkered with trying out some sewing projects...those didn't turn out so well so no pics.  But, no fear I will try my hand at the sewing again and when something comes out fairly well I will post pictures.  So without further adew here's my week 38 pictures. 

I hate my handwriting but I'm hoping the more I add it to my work the better it'll get.  I even sit around when watching tv or when I'm at dr's and anyother time just making lists and practicing.  Now, onto the pictures....look at that's from Golden's high solid (gloss) gel and it's definitely a product I will be using more of!  In real life it is shiny, and yummy, it keeps it's peaks and creates Ah-mA-Zing texture!!! 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Shout out to 48 Weeks....

Hello blogger land!  Well December is busier than I thought it would be for me.  I just started this and I'm not doing a good job at doing regular writings.  Then add that I'm so lost when it comes to computers, typical holiday stuff and some really upsetting family issues with extended family and well time is getting away.  Soooo, to "escape" I've been playing in my little remember I'm an artist wanna be :-D  I have been amazed at this wonderful delightful fun-filled journey!  I have grown more in one year than I ever ever, ever, ever thought possible.  In January 2014 I signed up for and began Donna Downey's online class....48 weeks.
This class is Ah-mA-Zing!!!!  It's like Donna is sitting on my shoulder whispering, and sometimes yelling, "forward motion" every time I'm ready to give up.  Then I tell myself everyone starts off not so good and struggling but those that keep moving, aka forward motion, are the one's that grow and grow and grow.  I truly can not say enough about this class.  Sooo with alllll this being said it is with a very nervous heart that I'm going to share one of the weeks I just completed.  Now in Donna's video she did a horse but horses don't really speak to me but elephants do.  I got on Pinterest and looked up how to draw elephants and well, I tried my hand at it.  This is the first ever elephant I've drawn. So remembering back to a past post about putting yourself out there, and yep it's scarey but here goes:
She's not perfect and I don't expect her to be for a very first.  However, in the class I've truly learned to just go for it, or "all in" as Donna says.  and truthfully, if I hated her I could have just slapped gesso down and started all over!  And ya know what?  Not only did I get out of the creative slump I was in I got to escape and relax without leaving home :-D

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Trying to vamp up this blog....

Yep, I'm up late.  And it's all for whoever, if anyone is, reading my random thoughts, aka my blog.  I'm trying to swim my way through editing ...  I have no clue really how to do this, what type of layout y'all will like and I'm sure I will be changing things around while I'm learning.  I hope y'all hang in there with me and please be patient.  I've never done a blog before and neither has hubby so I'm learning as I go .... buckle up for the ride!! hahahahaha :-D
I really want you to enjoy your time here when you visit.

If anyone has constructive criticism on blog tips, tricks, thoughts, suggestions etc please leave me a comment.   I've been perusing my friends pinterest board well as searching on my own WOW talk about overload....this brain of mine can't seem to grasp alllll the information out there on tips and hints for blogs.  But you guys I'm really trying so consider giving me a star for effort ;-D

Ok, I'm super tired and overloaded so I will sign off for now....

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Free video by Stephan Lursen ...

Hey y'all!  I know, I know, two blog posts in one day!  I just received an email from Donna Downey studios that one of her incredibly talented artists/store employee posted a FREE video for a Christmas canvas and I had to share just in case you don't frequent her blog or receive email updates.  Here's the link to her blog now go play and have fun! :-D

Goal: No More Comparing...

Good Morning my friends!  Pour you a cup of coffee or tea or whatever your morning drink of choice is, have a seat in your comfy chair and let's chat.
As I was doing my morning blog walk I visited one of my favorites and she introduced me  to and then she introduced me to and wow we had a wonderful chat.  Tracy talked to us about the whole comparing issue...raising my hand I'm guilty!  As I've said before I'm taking this class  I can't speak highly enough of this class.  I've learned sooooo much and the private facebook group is very, very very, supportive.  I can't speak for the public group because well I haven't participated in that one because I wasn't feeling like my work was good enough.  Heck I'm even nervous bout showing my work to my closest friends.  But after speaking with Susan & Tracy this morning I realize I have to stop comparing and just show my stuff.  Am I a phenomenal artist? No. But, we all start somewhere and we practice and grow and practice and grow......We all have special talents and interpret things in our own way.  As women, and dare I say especially as women, we need to stop comparing ourselves and judging ourselves and know that we are each talented and beautiful in someway.  Let's build each other up in any aspect of our lives.  I love, love, love this special K commercial

So, yeah I guess I took my chat with these artist women, thought about the special K commercial and realized not only do we need to stop comparing ourselves as artists but as women in general...

I hope this post helps someone else like it is helping me.  Now I'm off to make me a canvas to remind me No Comparing....

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Time well spent....

Hey y'all!  I'm trying to be more consistent, can ya tell?? hahahahaha well the last few days if you would have come by or called and asked what I was doing you would have found my hands covered in paint....ahhhhhh  I LOVE gettin messy! Especially when I'm dealing with issues.

I have been taking Donna Downey's 48 weeks online class.  Lemme just say if you're on the fence about taking it JUMP IN!!!  I'm so in love with this class and I'm learning soooo much!  I know the whole class seems expensive but it breaks down to just over 13.00 per week.  And no worries, if you don't have the exact supplies she uses she encourages using what you have.  The facebook group is super supportive too.  I could go on and on and on and on.....well you get the point ;-D
Here's the link just in case  ;-)

Back to what I'm trying to say.  I was working on this week's lesson, here's a picture of my finished page
Inspiration of "trees" borrowed from an incredible classmate.  I had leftover paint on my palette and I can't let Golden paint go to waste so I slapped some in my Dyan Reaveley journal and just played.  I wish I would have taken pictures starting with but at least I got the last's one before
It's ok....I just wasn't feeling like it was done so I ended up outlining the pattern and then made some drips then used the drips to do my journaling.  I'm happy with the way it turned out and felt so much better after playing in my space and letting my mind just drift away the heaviness on my mind. I did give a nice swipe of Dorland's wax to prevent my pages from sticking.  A trick learned in Donna Downey's 48 weeks class!
Sorry my pictures aren't great but I'm still learning this picture taking and blogging process.  I hope you go cover your hands in paint!


Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Seems so odd to write a post about being insecure after just discuss feeling blessed.  I struggle with depression and I have more highs then lows these days thankfully.  I helped to plan a birthday party this past weekend.  I had met most the people coming to the party but a few people I didn't know real well but I had met them in the past.  I know I may be being too sensitive but the fairly new acquaintance's had introduced themselves like we never met and of course I laughed it off.  Well, from there my insecure "demons" that said "you're invisible, no one remembers you, you're not worth remembering" started....and well I've been struggling the last few days.  I couldn't sleep last night so I got up and did this quick sketch in my Dyan Reaveley journal.  I have both her journals, and I love them both but this sketch is done in the small one.

It's just amazing how once I got this down and those negative voices outta my head I was able to crawl back into bed and drift off to sleep.  I'm happy happy happy to say that I awoke this morning feeling like a whole new person. :-D  I hope that this helps someone....know that you're not the only one that has issues to work through.  Find what therapy helps you....for me it's playing in one of my journals.
Here's a link for the journal I used: