Thursday, October 30, 2014

off we go?

Hello out there, there, there.....Well, this would be my first blog post (besides the construction one, which I don't count).  I really don't know where to begin!  My friend Milissa has been encouraging me to start a blog and my question to her was "but I'm not sure I have anything to say". That being said I am still not sure if I have anything that will be interesting to anyone but I'm giving it a go anyway. And in case you're wondering yes, Milissa has her own blog

I recently was able to move back home to Texas after a 3 year absence - I was really sad while living in SC.  A few good things came out of that time .... one being I discovered mixed media.  Two blogs and teachers I follow are Donna Downey and Julie Fei-Fan Balzer  These two ladies have really no idea who I am but they "saved me".  It was through their blogs and online classes I am finding the artist within me....she's been buried deep my whole life and in fact I didn't know she was there...and it's weird to say "artist" but yah, I'm claiming it and it feels great. 
I hope someone out there will follow me on this new journey.

Till later....

Friday, October 24, 2014